Hire employees & interns
Career Services at Jamestown Community College connects employers with students and alumni.
Create a JCC Handshake account
- Create a profile so job seekers can find and follow your company (tutorial on setting up an employer account)
- Submit in-person and virtual events you are hosting and invite candidates to attend, such as sessions about your company, open interviews, career fairs, and workplace tours
- Recruit candidates by browsing profiles of candidates (who have chosen to make their profiles visible) and connecting
- Post job and internship opportunities (tutorial on how to post an opportunity)
- Register for career events coordinated by Career Services
- Reach out to the Handshake support team or Handshake employer help center for assistance
- Select I'm an employer, and complete the form. This will create a help desk ticket, and Handshake support will get in touch with you.
Additional opportunities
- Host a recruitment table or open interviews at JCC
- Attend a JCC career fair
- Present your business and opportunities to a student organization or class
- Offer tours of your workplace to groups of students
- Welcome students to shadow your current employees
All employers must sign and submit an Employer Recruitment Agreement if you would like to partner with Career Services in any way for your recruitment needs.
Train employees
Through JCC's Workforce Development, you can
- Receive customized training for your employees based on business needs, such as technology, leadership, and management
- Enroll in career programs such as HVAC fundamentals and skilled trades
Develop your business
Work with the on-site Small Business Development Center to obtain free, confidential counseling and training for your new or existing business.
Build communities
Through the JCC Foundation, you can:
- Make a gift to ensure affordable access to higher education in our region
- Underwrite projects that facilitate learning for students of all ages